Creating a Community, not just a store.
Hours: Mon-Thurs 12pm-8pm, Fri 12pm-10pm,
Sat 10am-10pm, Sun 11am-6pm

#4 3434 34th AVE NE
Calgary, AB T1Y6X3

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Our Store

Myth Games is your typical "Brick and Mortar" store up in the North East of Calgary. We have lots of room for events, lots of product and a great staff that will help you find what you need.

Community Outreach Program

We love games! We want everyone to play them! Ask us about our Outreach program for your school, community group, or any other non-profit organization! We taylor the event to suit your needs!

Our Minions!

Our staff is friendly and knowledgeable about the games we carry. From MINIS to Magic the Gathering, Settlers of Catan to WarMachine, our staff can answer your questions (or can at least point you in the right direction)

MtG Hour of Devastation Prerelease

The next set in Magic the Gathering has it's prerelease on July 8th & 9th. Join us for 5 sessions of 3 round SEALED action! Win 1 round and you receive 2 packs of HOU! More prizing such as top 4 playmats, courier bags and champion plaques!

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themed object
get in touch

Hours: Mon-Thurs 12pm-8pm, Fri 12pm-10pm,
Sat 10am-10pm, Sun 11am-6pm

Our birthday! Lots of events, burgers at 12pm, cake at 4pm while supplies last! Types of Games

Date: June 24th

Date: July 15th

Cost: $15

Pizza option!

Only 36 spaces!

Register Here!

Board Game Rentals!

Board Game rental Program

Don't want to buy a game just to see if you like it? Well we have an alternative!

For more information check here


Pokemon League Starting May 2nd and May 6th.
Both events are at 6:00pm

Entry cost $5.00
Prizing TBD

Armada Store Championship

Date: August 19th


pizza option

Only 24 spots!

Register Here!

Magic The Gathering

Yu-Gi-Oh Buylist

Star Wars Destiny Buy list

Guildball League

Open Play/League every Wednesday night at 6pm.

X-Wing Nights

Wednesday Nights at 6pm!

Next Tournament: August 5th@ 3pm. *Tentative date and time*

100 point list. X-Wing Facebook tournament event link

Every Wednesday from 6-8pm. All experience levels welcome!

DnD Adv League

Every 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month at 2pm!


Age of Sigmar Every Thursday night


Friday Night Magic the Gathering.

Our regular FNM is a Booster Draft format, with FREE EDH as a side evnet where you can win promos - both are at 6:30pm. Draft prizing is "Swiss" which gives a pack per match win each round. We play a total of 3 rounds.

SW Destiny

Open play Wednesday nights at 5pm
Organized play 4th Friday of each month at 6pm

Our New Community Outreach Program

Click here for more information


Come in for a weekly open play games on Tuesday nighs at 6pm!

Alliance Larp

Live Action Role-Playing in Calgary

Join the largest Live Action Role-Playing game in Calgary!

Next Event: June 30-July 2nd

New Player Day/Build Day: June 24th

Weiss Schwarz Tournament

Weiss Schwarz Tournaments every Saturday at 4pm.

Format: Neo Standard
Cost: 7.75 (tax inlcuded)
Prize style: Swiss (pack per win!)

Code of Conduct

This is a general reminder to all. We expect everyone to have read our Code of Conduct here before playing in store with us.

Subscribe or Resubscribe to our mailing list. Myth Rewards can only be used by those on the mailing list.

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